About Carolyn Green

I am one of the few local breathwork facilitators in BC that trained with Stanislav Grof, prominent consciousness researcher and codeveloper of Holotropic Breathwork(TM).
I started my own holotropic journey work in 1993 in Ingrid Pacey and Wendy Barrett's early Vancouver groups then certified in 1999 through the two-year Grof Transpersonal Training program and have been an active facilitator since.
I am a founding Grof Legacy Training Canada director and teacher (https://grof-legacy-training.ca/) and a lead with the Holotropic Canada network. I was a founding member of the previous Grof Foundation and the Association of Holotropic Breathwork International which preceded it.
My more mainstream training is as a physical therapist (currently non practing) and university based PhD level researcher.
Grof Breathwork moves and inspires me because I know the potential of the work to expand consciousness and accelerate healing and transformation.